Monday, November 29, 2010

Current Events and Podcasts

I think using podcasts in the social studies classroom is a way to engage students in a study and analysis of current events, but in a fresh new way. For me, as a teacher, I am intensely committed to the use of current events in the study of the past.  Students need to be able to make contemporary connections between what they've learned and what they are experiencing. For instance, BBC Global News recently published a podcast entitled Korean Tensions Continue. In studying about the Korean War and US foreign policy during the late 20th century, I could use podcasts such as this to explain the issues that are still present today. I could start each class with a brief excerpt from the podcast, and have students write down notes to summarize the podcast. I think this gives "current events" a little more of a contemporary look, rather than the traditional find an article and cut it out assignment found in many social studies classrooms. I could also choose a theme of the week and have students complete searches on their own for relative podcasts. Students could posts these links to a class blog and have access to other student's opinions and findings.

1 comment:

  1. I particularly like your idea of having the students find and post podcasts. The more they do on their own, the most they seem to learn!
    Dr. Burgos
