Sunday, November 21, 2010


ePals is a collaborative network that allows teachers to intergrate technology into their classroom in a safe but engaging way. ePals, according to the company's mission statement ePals "provides digital content designed for collaboration and self-paced, self-directed learning as well as a safe platform to share work globally". ePals also provides schools and districts the opportunity to combine safe communication tools, like e-mail, blogs, wikis, and other social media tools. I think one of the best features is the networks ability to help teachers connect their students with other classrooms around the world. There are over 200 countries that participate in this network, and teachers can be confident that the atmosphere is safe for productive and intergrated learning. There are many different already designed projects teachers can make use of, and hundreds of classrooms the teacher can make a connection with. It offers an easy to use search engine for teachers to search by classroom, country, or project. I think this is definitely something I could use in my classroom. In teaching about the effects of geography on a country, I could pair students up with a country like Japan or a Middle Eastern nation, where the geography affects the business practices conducted. Students could compare and contrast their own business practices with eachother and discover the diversity in geography. I'm very interested in using inquiry as a unit plan, and students could design their own global questions to research and I could help students connect with other classrooms and students to research and share their questions. I think the possibilites are really endless, and a program like this highlights the importance of global learning and interconnectedness!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you get to "flesh out" your plans for research and get your student started on global collaboration in the future.
    Dr. Burgos
